A Career in Corporate Real Estate

Check out the CoreNet Global Career Action Center, a place designed to empower you in your professional journey.
Now more than ever, corporate real estate professionals (CRE) are integral to aligning real estate strategy with the business strategy to positively impact an organization’s bottom line. Pursuing a career in corporate real estate takes careful planning, and CoreNet Global is here to help you succeed at every stage of your career. Here you will find curated content that is both corporate real estate-focused as well as career-focused.
Whether you’re just getting started in the field or you’ve been in the corporate real estate industry for years, the Career Action Center has the tools you need to elevate your career.
- Resources to keep you ahead of the game and on the cutting edge of corporate real estate developments.
- Get insights through thought leadership and events delivered by CRE professionals.
- Knowledge and resources to stay informed and gain a competitive advantage
- Access to webinars, podcasts, and on-demand content from experts in the field.
- Access to career opportunities around the world.
- With job postings, a resume bank, and career advice, you'll be able to explore the many opportunities available to you. In addition, you'll be able to keep track of your progress and accomplishments with an online portfolio that showcases your skills and experience.
- Stay informed and make the most of your career.
- Access to resources, networking opportunities, and career opportunities.
- Our Members-in-Transition Program is available to assist those corporate real estate professionals who are unemployed.