Corporate real estate professionals shape where and how work gets done around the world.

Chances are, you probably never said “I want to be a corporate real estate executive when I grow up.” Discover a dynamic career you likely never knew existed – one that creates the spaces, places and experiences corporations require for business success. When it comes to earning potential, the sky is the limit!

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Corporate real estate professionals predict lasting effects of the pandemic on work and workplace.
Corporate real estate professionals predict lasting effects of the pandemic on work and workplace.
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Spaces matter.
Corporate real estate professionals have strategic responsibility for billions of square feet of property globally from acquisition through development and disposition.
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Places matter.
Every corporation needs a place to conduct its business. Places for employees to work. Places for research and development. Places for manufacturing or distribution.
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Experiences matter.
The physical spaces and places where work gets done are a vital part of a corporate brand, company culture - and the employee experience.
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Find a Job in Corporate Real Estate

Seeking talent or a new challenge? Browse CoreNet Global's Career Action Center.
CoreNet Global Career Action center

CoreNet Global is a non-profit association, headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia (US), representing more than 10,000 executives in 50 countries with strategic responsibility for the real estate assets of large corporations. The organization’s mission is to advance the practice of corporate real estate through professional development opportunities, publications, research, conferences, designations and networking in 47 local chapters and networking groups globally.

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