Career Spotlight: Gaspar Nuñez-Aguado

Property Manager, Fairlane Apartments
"As a first-generation college graduate, I wasn’t sure where to start looking. As I thought about my future career, I never imagined it would involve the multifamily housing industry. I always knew I loved being around people, so working with people in every way, was a given for me. As a property manager, I am constantly surrounded by people from all walks of life and I am presented with different challenges every day. As I move forward in this journey, I am not sure what will happen or where it will take me, but I do know that I look forward to the many challenges and opportunities that will come from working with all people. I am so thankful that my eyes were opened to the website, Careers Building Communities. This useful resource guided me to my current position, and therefore has helped me shape my future. I have found the perfect place to be. Not only am I helping people find an apartment, but I am helping them find their home."