Real Estate Education

There are many paths to a successful career in the apartment industry. Many people find their way into the sector after getting a bachelor’s degree in finance, marketing, history, psychology, etc. In other words, they don’t necessarily go to school with the stated goal of going into real estate. That’s the good news. You don’t have to have a specialized degree to succeed in apartments.
But if you know you are interested in a career in real estate, there are an increasing number of undergraduate and graduate degrees that offer concentrations in real estate. They can range from business degrees with a real estate focus, degrees in construction management and degrees in property management.
This is not an exhaustive list, but it is a good starting place to explore some of the variety of institutions that offer real estate -related programs. In addition to college-based programs, there are also industry certification and training programs that can help you develop the specific skills and knowledge to help you succeed.