Strategies for Attracting and Retaining High-Performing Employees

Acquiring high-performing associates can be a difficult undertaking. Keeping them with an organization can be even more challenging. Readily aware of this notion, the rental housing industry is taking steps to make property management roles more attractive—and a place where associates have the opportunity to progress.
A revolving door of employees is counterproductive, naturally, and properties will certainly feel the time burden and cost impacts of replacing positions every eight months. That’s why offering robust learning and development resources, unambiguous job roles and a clear path for growth is paramount, according to panelists at the Apartmentalize 2024 session “Unlocking Potential: Strategies for Attracting and Retaining High-Performing Employees.”
“An organization’s most valuable asset is its people, so finding the right people for the available positions is vital,” said Jasmyn Sylvester, Vice President of Property Management—East for Pine Tree. “In today’s workforce, demands on employees are at an all-time high. With that in mind, candidates recognize they can ask for more and they don’t have to settle for any and everything.”