What Is Residential Property Management?

Apartment communities don’t run themselves. It takes a team of talented, creative, and passionate people to recruit residents, take care of their needs, ensure that everything in their homes works properly, and make the community a welcoming place — all while keeping things on track financially.

That’s where residential property management (RPM) comes in. Across the U.S., millions of employees are working as a team to make these communities successful, and thousands of new workers are hired each month. These include:

Demand for apartments — and for the jobs to support those communities — is growing rapidly. Find the information, resources, and tools you need to get started in an exciting and rewarding RPM career by learning more about:

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FREE professional membership in IFMA
Attention recent graduates! If you're looking to kickstart your career in facilities management, we've got great news for you! Any student who graduates from an accredited program gets a FREE professional membership in IFMA!
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