Begin exploring a career as a professional CM today!

Construction management is an exciting, growing profession, full of challenges and opportunities to learn and to contribute to the success of capital projects that benefit communities.
Our infrastructure today is more complex than ever. It takes solid professional management to bring even a relatively modest project to successful completion.
America needs to undertake vast amounts of infrastructure rebuilding and replacement as well as new construction to meet ever-growing needs for capital projects like schools, hospitals, highways, rail transportation, and water/wastewater.
As a professional CM, you can be part of meeting this challenge and drive the process. You can work with and learn from a diversity of disciplines. Your talent and energy will make others successful. You can see the results of your work, experience the before and after, and witness the benefits to society that you've helped deliver.
Give professional construction management a long look when considering your career options.
For more information about how to become a professional construction manager, view CMAA's CM Career Guide. To learn more about CMAA and its mission, check out the About CMAA page.